Saturday, April 10, 2010


I have decided to start a new blog.  I have kind of abandoned this one, but I don't want to stop blogging entirely.  I just think I get bored with only posting about my weight life is so much more than just that.  My new blog is about my whole life: weight loss, motherhood, work, etc.  It's about all of me.  Please go here to follow the new blog:


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Weigh-In Day, Week 10

Starting weight: 270
Current weight: 255
Total pounds lost: 15

I gained weight this week.  I am not happy about it at all, but I know why it happened.  Remember last week when I ate badly and slacked off on the workouts?  Well, I think it caught up to me this week.  Also, the night before the weigh-in this week I went out with my friends and had a little too much to drink.  I know alcohol is full of empty calories and it also makes you retain water, so I am sure that didn't help any at the weigh-in.

I feel disappointed in myself and I feel like I let a lot of my hard work slip away.  I need to get back on track and get my butt in gear this week.  I am trying not to be too hard on myself, but it's hard.  I still have so far to go until I reach my ultimate goal and to gain even just a little bit of weight takes me further away from that goal and it's frustrating.  I will also admit that I hear about people doing the Biggest Loser contest who have lost 40 or 50 pounds and I can't even reach 20.  I really want to make my goal of losing 30 pounds by the end of the competition but at this point, it may not be possible.  I only have until April 2.  It's really time for me to haul ass. 

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Weigh-In Day, Week 9

Starting weight: 270
Current weight: 252.2
Total pounds lost: 17.8

I lost 1 pound this week.  I'll take it.  It's not the 3.2 pounds I wanted to lose to get out of the 250's, but it is something and it is better than gaining.  I slacked off this last week, as I said in my earlier post.  I ate food that I know wasn't very healthy anf I did not go to the gym for 5 days straight.  Yikes.  I got myself back on track though and I am food journaling and exercising again.  I think that's what is important.  I had a little break but I am back and am happy to be back.  I didn't let a few bad days ruin all my hard work.  In my previous weight loss attempts, I let a couple slip ups ruin all my efforts and just take me back to where I was before.  This time is different.  I am sticking with it this time and there is definitely something different about my mindset.  I have heard lots of people that say weight loss is not just about the physical, a lot of it is mental too.  I truly believe that now.  My mentality is at a completely different place now than it was all those other times, and it seems to be working this time.  I am putting in the effort and the time, but I am also reaping the benefits.  It feels good.   

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Weigh-In Day, Week 8

Starting Weight: 270
Current Weight: 253.2
Total pounds lost: 16.8

I am happy with my 5.2 pound loss for this weigh-in.  I am almost out of the 250's and I am so excited.  Last year, before I got pregnant, 250 was my magic number.  I kept telling myself I wanted to get to 250 as my first weight loss goal.  Unfortunately, it didn't happen and then I got pregnant and the 9 months of eating began.  But here I am, almost out of the 250's and still going strong.  I would love to push myself and be lose that 3.2 pounds for next week's weigh-in, but I don't think that's going to happen.  You see, so far this week I have been eating pretty badly.  I have eaten doughnuts, ice cream, and more ice cream.  I don't know what it is but my sweat tooth has kicked in majorly this week.  As I am writing this, my stomach hurts from eating a huge bowl of ice cream after dinner.  I was craving it so badly, but now that I had it, it wasn't that great.  Admitting my setback is the first step in fixing the problem.  I am not going to let a few bad eating days ruin my whole week and I am going to be back on track tomorrow and the rest of the week.  I will lose weight at the next weigh-in, even if it isn't the 3.2 pounds I need to be out of the 250's.  That's okay though.  If I don't get there this week, I will most definitely get there next week.  :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

All This Work Isn't For Nothing

I have been transforming my unhealthy lifestyle into a healthier one for over a month now.  I began on January 2 and it is now mid-February.  I am extremely excited to report that I am seeing huge differences in many aspects of my life.  There have been so many time I have wanted to give up and eat that pint of ice cream or skip a day at the gym or even stop at McDonal'd and get a Big Mac and fries.  I haven't been perfect and there have been days where I cheated or did less of a workout than I know I'm capable of, but the majority of the time I have kept myself pretty well disciplined and now I am seeing the results to prove it.

I have gone down 2 clothing sizes.  I wore a shirt the other day that I have not fit in to in 2 years.

I am feeling better.  I see myself having more energy and actually wanting to go to the gym on most days.

I have greatly improved on my muscle strength.  I was working with my trainer this week and she had me kick up my strength training an extra notch.  I was very surprised to see that I could do things that in the beginning of my training, I could not even halfway attempt.  I am now jumping onto aerobic steps unassisted, stepping onto the edge of my gym's boxing ring without using any leverage, and can hold the plank position for a greater amount of time than I ever could.  Seeing the improvements in my exercise capabilities makes me so happy.  I still have a long way to go, but it was so rewarding to see that I am getting stronger and I am able to do things I wasn't able to a month ago.

All the more reason to keep going!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hello, Soreness

So I took the plunge and took the spinning class on Monday night.  Wow, it was intense.  It was 60 minutes of hardcore cycling and I was in pain for the majority of it.  Not pain like I couldn't continue, just mainly pain from that damn bicycle seat.  Those seats are not made for a girl with an ass like me.  I have a booty and I just could not get comfortable on that little teeny seat.   It was interesting to say the least though.  We did flat ground work with no reistsance, climbing with high resistance, sprints, and jumps.  Oh man, those jumps killed me.  We did jumps for one whole song and my thighs and calves were burning!  BTW, jumps are not actual jumps, obviously.  The "jumps" in this class were us cycling for two strides while sitting down, then cycling for two strides standing up.  Up, down, up, down, up down.  You get the point.  15 minutes into the class I wanted to quit.  The bike pedals were hurting my feet, my ass was hurting from the seat, and I was already sweating.  But I tried to stay focused and I did manage to finish out the entire class, which was my ultimate goal.  There were times when I had to tone down the intensity of a set so that I could keep up, but I finished and that's what is important for me.

My overall thoughts on the spinning class are still undecided.  I didn't hate it, but I did think it was above my stamina level.  I don't think I will rule it out completely but I do think I will give it a few more weeks before trying it again.  Oh, and one thing nobody told me about spinning is how sore your hoohah is for days afterwards.  Yes, I am serious.  That damn bike seat.    

Monday, February 8, 2010

Weigh In Day, Week 6

Staring weight: 270
Current weight: 258.4
Total pounds lost: 11.6

Ouch.  Only a .4 change from last week?  That sucks.  I wasn't entirely surprised though.  I did very well workout and eating wise last week, but on Friday night I made the decision to go out with my girlfriends and I ended up drinking quite a bit.  In fact, I got pretty drunk.  It was not the smartest decision, especially considering I had my weigh-in the next morning but I still did it and I did have a blast.  I think my lack of results this week stems diurectly from my alcohol consumption from the night before.  I did everything else right the entire week, so I don't think it would have turned out the same had I not gone drinking.  Knowing that keeps me from being too disappointed.  I am still doing well and I have consistently lost weight every week since beginning this journey.  I can live with that.

It's a new week now and I fully intend to stay on track with my exercise and eating.  There is no official weigh-in this weekend but I will still act as if there is.  Slacking off is not an option.  I am now a full month into the competition and I am proud of my results so far.  There are people who are doing far better than me, but there are also those doing worse.  I am just trying to focus on me right now.  I have lost 2 pants sizes.  I am feeling more energized and happier.  I am treating my body better.  I am changing my life.  I am proud of myself for not letting a less than stellar weigh-in hold me back.  I can think of many times when I have let something deter me from my goals, but this time is different.  I am 100% committed to this and I plan on keeping it that way.